lunes, 20 de julio de 2015

Essential college supplies.

I really believe in having cute things for college. Why? Because it is a simple way to get motivated. So I went to Walmart and Office Depot and got some school essentials for this new school year.

♡ Correction pens: We all make mistakes, I got mine in a cute lilac packaging.

♡ Scissors and glue stick: Ok, I know in college you don’t have to use those as much, but you never know when you are going to need them.

♡ Pencils: Could it be more obvious why you need some pencils? Get cute ones.

♡ Permanent markers: You will always need to mark stuff, I got mine in metallic colors because black is getting a little boring, isn’t it?

♡ Erasers: Any kind will do the job, but look at those cuties!

♡ Highlighters: Of course, pretty much the most important items you will ever need in college. Do not use them only for your books, also highlight your notes, it could be even more helpful.

♡ Pens: Colors are a must when taking notes, you should buy the ones you like, but I really recommend having roller-ball pens when taking notes from lectures because they allow you to write faster.

♡ Mini stapler: Life savior, for real.

♡ Planner: It is essential to be organized if you want to be successful, so don’t only get a planner, use it. I got mine from a local library and it has a super pretty Lakshmi theme.

♡ Notebooks: Since I got four subjects to study this year, I got a notebook with four dividers, this is very useful, you won’t have to be carrying around with a million notebooks and getting papers everywhere; it’s also plain gray so I can decorate it (which I will do a blogpost of later on). Also got a really cute Adventure Time notebook for anything else I could need to write.

♡ Post its: You can use them in a million ways, so you should get you some.

♡ Stickers: As I said before, having cute notes always motivates me, so I always put some cute stickers on my notes when they are looking a lil’ boring. 

Have a great new school year! 

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